ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Seller Ratings Integrations Weekly Update

This week at ResellerRatings - Holiday Email Customization

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

This week at ResellerRatings, it's almost time for the e-commerce world to go nuts.

Development Update

Our development team crushed it this week with a great release full of features, bug fixes, and much much more.

  • fixed an issue where the visual marketing widget popup was not rendering as intended

  • fixed an issue with some grammar on the checkout survey completion text

  • fixed an issue in case management when navigating to the "next" review was not working as intended

  • removed some old pages

  • fixed an issue with the Visual Marketing widget creation process

Time to make sure your review emails are on point before holiday shopping goes live. We have a brand new email customization portal for you to customize a fully branded experience. Check out more information from our CEO Nishan here.

Black Friday - 21 days

Christmas - 51 days

Whatever we can do to help with your holiday shopping planning, please let us know!

See you next week!

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