- ResellerRatings Release Team
This week at ResellerRatings - TrustHQ Widget Flow Update
This week at ResellerRatings, we've made creating and deploying widgets much easier!
See the full write-up below for more information.
Our developers have been working hard to knock out some bugs and make overall improvements to the platforms. Check out some of the dev highlights for this week:
Fixed an issue when saving Review Notifications where the page wouldn't reload properly to reflect the changes
Made updates to JQuery on the ResellerRatings checkout survey to align it with more recent versions
Added the ability to download Accelerator templates directly from the Accelerator Dashboard
Widget Flow Updates
We've made some updates to the widgets area under Display and Showcase. ResellerRatings has dozens of widgets that are all customizable. Our widgets are different as we allow you to segment review widgets to select data for the perfect customer moment.
Check out the full article here.
Last week of July and then our team begins to count down the days until we get to hang out with our Hubspot friends in Boston for Inbound 2022! If any of you are planning on attending inbound please shoot us a message and we will see you there!
See you next week!