ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Integrations

Showcase your shopper voice with the new Widget Creator

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

We've made some updates to the widgets area under Display and Showcase. ResellerRatings has dozens of widgets that are all customizable. Our widgets are different as we allow you to segment review widgets to select data for the perfect customer moment.

Our relentless focus on building the perfect path to conversion was the basis behind this new update.

So we now highlight three new goals

  1. Validate your brand

  2. Validate your products

  3. Validate your wins (with ResellerRatings like the Elite Seal)

What you can do now that you couldn't before.

So we now focus on making it easier for your team to create a widget faster, as well as literally create widgets that highlight the different paths to purchase hot spots. For example, if you want to create a widget with data and shopper stories focused on "Shipping", you can do that very easily.

If on the cart page, you want to have stories focused on "deliverability", you can now showcase those stories to use Trust, to guide people through every step of the funnel. What's more assuring than knowing that shoppers will get the experience at every point of concern.

That's the ResellerRatings way.

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