- ResellerRatings Release Team
This week at ResellerRatings - Executive Reports
This week at ResellerRatings, we hope everyone is enjoying the new TrustHQ Dashboard. As always, our team appreciates feedback so please don't hesitate to send it our way!
Development Update
Our developers are settling back from some much-needed vacation time and here is a quick preview of our patch notes from this week's maintenance release.
Feedback - visual enhancements to buttons in the surveys to make the "skip question" button less prominent.
Feedback - Fixed an issue where the survey preview was not working as intended
Feedback - Fixed a bug where the dropdown menus in question creation were not rendering properly
Sentiment Analytics (
) - performance updates
ResellerRatings.com - fixed an issue where some links were redirecting with unintended outcomes
Social Q&A - added the ability to get a notification for every question posted, instead of just by category
Our development team has some great things in store for the remainder of 2022, we cannot wait to share these new product releases with you.
A feature we released in 2021 that needs new light is our revamped Executive Reports system. With the new dashboard in place, we feel like proper reporting is something we need to highlight. Our Executive Reports allow you to create custom templates for the specific type of report you want to hit your inbox on a consistent basis. This can also be shared with emails of users who do not have a ResellerRatings account (your executive team). Take a look at this article from our CEO Nishan for more information about the new Executive Reports Overhaul.
We cannot believe that July is already half over. That means Prime Day has come and gone and that the holiday shopping season is going to come up extremely fast. We look forward to working with our partners to meet their goals and even share more information about how all of the content you are collecting with ResellerRatings can help you knock this holiday shopping season out of the park!

Go, Guardians. See you next week!