- ResellerRatings Release Team
Wow, over 400 updates in the last few months. Keep up –
We’re pushing out so many updates, we’re still trying to figure out how to communicate these updates effectively. We’re always tuning things under the hood at ResellerRatings, releasing new features, pushing syndication and the customer voice further and further with great partnerships. We’d love to do a better job with this.
We wanted to accomplish a few things by adding the new roadmap icon in the dashboard!
we wanted to get feedback from users on our site in one place
we wanted the community and our clients to give us feedback on what we’re doing
we wanted our clients to have an idea of the great features they would get into the near future
To access the product roadmap, you can find it in the product portal

Or check it out here – https://portal.productboard.com/resellerratings/1-resellerratings-product-roadmap/tabs/3-launched
You get to see
our planned projects for the quarter
our released features and items
submit and comment on new ideas

This will be a key part of our communication tools to you and we’re excited to keep it up and expand it!