ResellerRatings Release Team
Seller Ratings

Update – Removal of Survey Incentivization

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

The Coupons functionality is evolving fast on ResellerRatings. Due to changes from our Seller Ratings partners and providers – we’re adjusting the availability of coupons to be regelated to Product Reviews and Feedback.

Merchants are no longer allowed to offer any monetary incentives for collecting reviews used in the Seller Ratings Program with Google. To help our data partners accomplish this – we will be shutting down the coupons service for Seller Ratings.

To meet the standards of the new publishing guides – Coupons will no longer be applied to Seller Rating campaigns as of the end of August 2020.

Merchants are not allowed to offer their customers financial incentives to write reviews of any kind.

  1. This includes but is not limited to free samples, gift cards, discounts on future purchases, or anything of monetary value.

Removing Incentives

ResellerRatings has updated it’s Content Integrity Team’s scanning of services and third-party resources (Fiverr, etc), to ensure our merchants are adhering to this.

  1. If a review provider discovers a merchant has offered incentives, these reviews should will be removed from the feed.

Are you a reviewer?

If you are a reviewer who has found a merchant who is incentivizing you – please contact us at, or flag the review. We will look into it right away

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