ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Seller Ratings Weekly Update

This Week at ResellerRatings - Loyalty Campaigns

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

This week at ResellerRatings, our team has been heads down on some major platform updates and it is time to share more:

Development Update:

  • ResellerRatings is going all in on AI - AI is a super powerful tool that we know can be a game changer for efficiency and analysis. AI inside of TrustHQ will help you better understand your reviews without having to manually analyze every review and also help you respond better back your customers.

  • A massive update to TrustHQ and how you use our platform - Our goal with TrustHQ is to provide you with an all-in-one hub to manage reviews, reputation, and UGC. The next update to TrustHQ will provide a clear path for upgrade as well and showcase front and center which tools are available through your current plan along with which tools are being under utilized.

These updates are something our team cannot wait for everyone to get their hands on. We are still a few weeks away from announcing a release date but we will have more to share over the next few weeks.

Did you know you can create trackable loyalty campaigns inside of TrustHQ? These loyalty campaigns can be used for Product Reviews, Amplify, Social Q&A, Feedback, and for collecting customer images and videos.

To learn more, check out our full help article here.

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