ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Seller Ratings Weekly Update

This Week at ResellerRatings - Leveraging ChatGPT & ResellerRatings

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

This week at ResellerRatings, it's time to talk about AI...

Development Update

Our developers were heads down on some major projects. Check in next week for more from our development team.

AI is a part of the tech world and it isn't going away any time soon. While it's too soon to share any news about AI integrations inside of TrustHQ, we want to show you a few ways to utilize ChatGPT inside of the ResellerRatings platform. Why ChatGPT and why now? With the recent release of the mobile app for ChatGPT the power is truly at your fingertips. While direct integrations with AI inside of our platform are still a thing of the future, we wanted to make sure to outline some great ways to leverage existing tools to make your experience inside of TrustHQ better!

  • Using ChatGPT to Respond to Reviews Collected on ResellerRatings

  • Using ChatGPT to Analyze the Review Content Collected on ResellerRatings

Check out the full breakdown here.

Is it too soon for a Holiday Shopping countdown? - I think not.

Black Friday - 182 Days

See you next week

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