ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Seller Ratings Weekly Update

This Week at ResellerRatings - Invite API

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

This week at ResellerRatings, our teams are putting in work to make sure the best experience is had using our platform!

Development Update

This week's development release was again primarily focused on behind-the-scenes updates.

  • Restructured the widgets page to make more sense and align with the rest of the structure of TrustHQ

ResellerRatings has a great API tool that will allow you to precisely target the review requests that are being delivered to your customers. This tool can increase the likelihood of your customers writing a review, as they will be served at the most appropriate time. Take a look at the tutorial below for more information on our Invite API.

Invite API Documentation

is it too soon for a Holiday Shopping countdown? - I think not.

Black Friday - 224 Days

See you next week

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