ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Seller Ratings Weekly Update

This Week at ResellerRatings - Google Shopping

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

This week at ResellerRatings, we are all hands on deck for our clients. Our teams are firing on all cylinders to make sure we are doing everything we can for you!

Development Update

Our developers are hard at work making sure platform stability is performing well and continuing to work on back-end maintenance for the site. Stay tuned for some great updates from our dev team in the coming weeks!

Google Shopping is a rapidly growing marketplace that provides businesses with an opportunity to showcase their products and reach a wider audience. According to a report by eMarketer, Google Shopping accounted for 63.3% of retail ad spending in the United States in 2020, with an estimated $29.1 billion in ad revenue. This indicates that businesses of all sizes are investing heavily in Google Shopping to reach potential customers.

To learn more about Google Shopping and how ResellerRatings Product Reviews can help, check out the full article here.

Is it too soon for a Holiday Shopping countdown? - I think not.

Black Friday - 217 Days

See you next week

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