- ResellerRatings Release Team
This week at ResellerRatings - Revise a Review
This week at ResellerRatings, we released two great new quality of life updates that our full suite users will find pretty useful.
Development Update
Our developers have been working hard to knock out some bugs and make overall improvements to the platforms. Check out some of the dev highlights for this week:
fixed an issue with a query gone mad in our Feedback tool that was causing longer than intended loading times
fixed an issue in our widget creation settings that was causing a blank page to load for some users
fixed an issue with the "approve answer" functionality in our Social Q&A Dashboard
Alongside our great fight with the bugs in the interwebs, our team was able to introduce two great quality of life updates for our full suite users...
Social Q&A - added the ability to import existing Q&A/F&Q from other sources. This will allow you to bring in content collected internally or from other providers into the ResellerRatings ecosystem. You will need to work with your development team to set this up as it requires a connection to the ResellerRatings API. Our team is always here to help with anything technically related!
Visual Marketing - added the ability to import images for reviews from other sources. There are a few caveats here. Please reach out to your account team with any questions.
Staying on top of feedback is important, but so is making sure your customers have the ability to update their experience when your team does a great job handling a negative situation. Check out how to utilize our Revise a Review feature in the full article here.
We call smell the pumpkin spice in the air as it finally looks like fall weather is here in Cleveland. Holiday shopping is coming up quickly. We hope everyone is enjoying their preparation before the insanity happens. Please let us know how we can help.

See you next week!