- ResellerRatings Release Team
Storefront Updates – New Ratings Data Insights and more.
We’ve made a couple of new additions to the data on the ResellerRatings Storefront to improve transparency. We think these changes will help ease the complexity of the data and make understanding the store ratings even easier.
New Positive Rating Percentage within the last year.
Because the reviews on ResellerRatings sometimes span up to a decade, calculating and weighing in past reviews is a balancing act. To make it easy to understand the current rating, with merchant performance in the last year, we’ve added a new percentage. This denotes the number of reviews that are anything great than or = to a 4 star review.

Hovering over the Percentage shows a breakdown of the Positive, Neutral, and Negative reviews within the last year. Anything that is 3 stars is considered neutral and anything <= 2 is added to the negative count.

2. New 5 star rating scale for historical rating
Traditionally, ResellerRatings modelled a lot of its data off of a 10 point scale for historical reasons. As we move to standardize the review data across the site, we’re moving to a 5 point rating to reflect the stars a bit closer. That is, a merchant score can sit anywhere between a 1-5 point scale. Our old historical rating data (example – https://www.resellerratings.com/store-ratings/ratings-history/Newegg) used to leverage this system. We’ve since made a major unifying update to this scale to a five-star max.

We believe these changes will continuously push clarity around the millions of reviews our platform collects.