- ResellerRatings Release Team
Storefront Updates – Edited Review Transparency
So we noted something that we thought was interesting that was potentially confusing on the ResellerRatings storefront. When a review is ‘published’ on ResellerRatings, a merchant reply below the review might actually have a date that prior to the publishing. That is because merchant members on ResellerRatings get 48 hours to resolve or rectify issues with customers, or to even jot a happy note thanking them. We have hundreds of these replies happening on our system every day.
We thought this could potentially look confusing. When were reviewers editing their reviews based on these contacts? Where the changes significant and what were the changes?
This is more complicated of an issue than it might initially appear to be. Sometimes you don’t want changes to be publically visible (PII violations, legal violations, or even vulgarity). Other times, it’s nice to know if a 2 star review became a 5-star review or visa versa.
So we started changing how we at least denoting a review WAS edited and how the score moved.
We always showed the modified date of a review but we’ve increased clarity so there’s a difference between published and ‘updated’. You can see this as the original date a review denotes is the

2. Clicking on the ‘Updated’ field now shows the history of score changes and updates to the review.

This starts to demystify updates and interactions from merchants. In the future we’re excited to showcase flagging histories, merchant contact points and more.