ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews

Product Reviews - Dashboard Performance Upgrades

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

Our developers have been hard at work identifying opportunities for improvement without our Product Reviews TrustHQ Dashboard.

The first update that has been released with this project is a major improvement to how the product catalog is loaded when navigating through TrustHQ. Our team identified a few outdated and troublesome queries and took quick action to make them perform better. Here is what you can expect to see with this update:

  • Faster load times in Product Reviews TrustHQ Dashboard

  • For our partners who have a larger number of product SKUs, the Product Catalog page should no longer error out, causing the page not to load

  • Speedier navigation when managing product reviews

Our team plans to spend quite a bit of time making more optimizations like this to make the experience inside of TrustHQ better. If you notice anything that is not working like normal after this week's update please let us know. We also value our client's feedback, so please let us know if you would like to see any features added to our platform!

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