- ResellerRatings Release Team
New Plans Structure
ResellerRatings has been expanding fast. Our current way of making our product offering available to clients really doesn’t make sense. We have so much in this product, we wanted it to make more sense on how to access, upgrade and even try out certain features. We’ve been working on re-tiering how ResellerRatings works so current clients are in our new plan system.
Starting mid week, your account will be moved into one of the following ‘plans’ based on your enabled products.

This week, you may notice a lot of changes to your transactions. We’re actually undergoing a really large revenue ops piece on the backend to better help clients upgrade features, take advantage of add-ons, trials and see their invoices clearer. Our legacy system was doing the trick anymore with our growth.
We’re excited about the new system. You’ll see changes in a couple of places. First of all –

transaction and features – the following screen below showing what you’ve subscribed with will now be replaced with the following.
The new plan structure looks something like the following below. Depending on what products you have enabled with ResellerRatings, you’ll be automatically fitted into one of the plans.

We hope this serves to help you understand what package level you have and what other options are even available for you to move up to and take advantage of.
We now also introduce several key concepts
Plans – plans are a combination of CORE offerings. That includes seller ratings, product reviews, social Q&A, and visual Marketing
Add ons – are extensions and features off of the CORE Offerings that come in at additional cost. Generally the higher tier you go, the more Add Ons are a naturally bundled into the Plan
Free – The free account is now a standardly available account to start collecting reviews through our methodology. This enables stores to manage their listing and collect reviews from a basic level. It’s easy, but is probably around 5% of the actual product offering.
Trials – we haven’t officially implemented trials, BUT our accounts team is always on hand to help you through proof of concepts to get you going.
You can always contact our awesome account managers to work and trial through some of our features.