RSR Development Team Seller Ratings

New Category System Incoming This week

AUTHOR: RSR Development Team

Realigning Our Ratings and Reviews Categories

We are thrilled to announce an exciting transformation in organizing our ratings and reviews. Our new classification system is here, designed to bring accuracy, clarity, and an enhanced experience to your fingertips. Let’s dive into what’s changing and why it’s a big deal for you!

Incoming this week.

Why the Change?

We wanted to make our category system simpler. It was too complicated, creating a system of hyper-fragmented storefronts and not yielding good comparative result sets. In a few words - stores could essentially be TOO specific with their three primary categories + endless subcategories. We've removed complexity and made it simpler.

Gone are the days of multiple PRIMARY categories (you used to be able to pick 3 with many subcategories). Now you placed into ONE primary category and can be assigned several subcategories from that PRIMARY category.

1. Enhanced Search Accuracy: The new categories will backfill and align a series of misaligned stores, correct old data and update introduce new categories while sunsetting older ones.

2. Competitor Comparison: Stay informed and make smarter decisions! Our revamped categories make comparing reviews of similar products and services easier. Quickly see how our ratings stack up against the competition and make confident, informed choices.

3. User-Friendly Experience: We’re all about you! The new classification system means a more personalized and intuitive experience. Say goodbye to irrelevant categories and confusing subcategories and hello to the insights that matter most to you.

The New Classification System: What’s Different?

To see a list of the new updated categories -

Specificity is Key: We’ve broken down our categories into more specific segments. Instead of just “Electronics,” you’ll find "Electronics">“Smartphones,” “Laptops,” and more. This specificity ensures you get exactly the information you need without the hassle. Prior to that, we had an overabundance of subcategories where stores could get so specific, they would not show up in search results or have no adjacent competitors.

Intuitive Navigation: Our new layout is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Even if you’re a first-time visitor, you’ll find navigating our site a breeze. The categories are clear, concise, and cleverly arranged to make your experience enjoyable and efficient.

Trend Insights: We’ve integrated trend insights into our categories. Competitive categories and benchmarking will be more accurate to how stores are aligned. Also, related stores will also be more accurate. Now you can stay updated with the latest trends in products and services right from our homepage. Discover what’s hot and make well-informed decisions before making a purchase.


The changes will change a few things for you

  1. Your category rank comparative to your competitors

  2. the Industry in which you are categorized in - it should be similarly related if you categorized yourself properly

  3. Where you show up in search results and comparative searches for similar stores

Check your category: Disagree with a category you are in? Simply go to your dashboard and update it if you're on our premium services. Otherwise, contact support to have it updated.

To update and change your category

Go to Dashboard > Home > Store Listing > Categories

Get Ready to Explore!

We can’t wait for you to dive into our revamped ratings and reviews category system. This change is more than just a reorganization; it’s a commitment to providing you with the best user experience possible. So, get ready to explore the new and improved system and discover how easy and enjoyable finding the right information can be.

Stay informed, stay savvy, and happy selling!

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