- ResellerRatings Release Team
🧱 Instant Download of Reviews (upgrade)
You can now download your survey CSV INSTANTLY without having to wait for the report to process. Work faster, and better with this update.
We had a lot of feedback about this one, so we wanted to make sure we got around to it. It was a lot trickier than we thought, but we think we found an elegant solution.
How it worked before – When you went up to your download CSV option for your surveys, you had to wait a full few hours for our cron to process the data and get it to you in CSV format. This is obviously very annoying and not ideal.
SO if you’ve selected filters that result in 2k reviews or less, you’ll be able to download the report instantly. If it’s over that it’ll resort back to the delayed report to your inbox. A big improvement.

Here’s a quick video: