ResellerRatings Release Team
Product Reviews Integrations

BigCommerce Integration Updates

AUTHOR: ResellerRatings Release Team

Our team has been hard at work to make major changes to our BigCommerce integration. With this update, we have eliminated the need to do complicated dev work in the theme files to complete the installation of our product.

You can now utilize the BigCommerce script manager to complete the end-to-end installation of our pro plan, including product catalog ingestion, product review collection, and a customized product review display on your page.

Product Reviews will be built into a reviews tab on the page that will not take up precious PDP real estate but will expand to show the reviews in-line on the page.

Whether you have a locked-down customized theme file that doesn't allow for much customization or are not comfortable editing code within your current theme file, this solution makes the integration process much easier.

For more information take a look at our help article for the Script Manager Installation

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